Pregnant? What You Need to Know About Your Pregnancy

Pregnant? What You Need to Know About Your Pregnancy

  • Morton's Foot Syndrome Could Be Causing Your Pain

    If the second toe on your foot looks longer than the big toe, you may have Morton's foot syndrome, also known as Morton's toe. Although the condition sounds like it might be unusual, it's actually quite common. Because Morton's toe affects your posture and the way you move, it can cause foot, lower leg, back, and neck problems. What to Look For You can usually determine if you have Morton's toe by examining your feet.

  • Cortisol Reduction: Natural Ways To Relieve Stress-Related Headaches

    Headaches can be irritating, but also very painful. There are a few natural ways to relieve your stress-related headache by reducing cortisol levels. And you may be able to do some of the things at home. Get a Massage Massages have been scientifically proven to help relieve headaches. A massage therapist or chiropractor (such as one from Davidson Chiropractic Clinic) is able to stimulate your brain and decrease your production of cortisol. Cortisol is a neurotransmitter that is associated with stress and may relieve headaches.

  • Elderly Care: Treating And Preventing Mobility Problems

    When a person you love begins to age, you begin to worry about their health and safety more and more. And as their mobility becomes more and more of an issue, you wonder what you could possibly do to help them. While you cannot physically be present to watch them every moment of every day, you can take steps to help ensure that they stay as healthy and mobile as possible as they continue to go though the process of aging.

  • Dangerous Fashions: The Connection Between High Heels And Bunions

    If you have bunions on your small and big toes, you may want to change your style of footwear, especially if you love to wear high-heeled shoes like stilettos, pumps and platforms. Although they may create the perfect look for your fashionable outfits, high heels can also create a host of foot problems, including painful bunions. Here's the connection between high-heeled shoes and bunions — and what you can do to improve the quality and health of your toes.

  • Picking Out Uniforms For Medical School

    If you are going to school to obtain a career in the medical field, you will need to take into consideration the apparel that will be needed to be worn in medical settings. The students will need to be properly clothed in clinical areas to avoid the spread of bacteria. Here are some of the types of clothing you will want to have on hand for your school's medical program:

  • About Me

    Pregnant? What You Need to Know About Your Pregnancy

    During my first pregnancy, I spent a lot of time pushing pillows behind my back trying to find comfort. As the size of the baby grew, so did my discomfort. By the time she was born, I was more than ready to give birth. When I found out I was pregnant again, I was determined that I would not suffer through the same discomforts. I started researching ways to ease the symptoms of pregnancy, including back pain. I created this blog to help other expectant moms find remedies to deal with those symptoms that can be emotionally and physically draining.
