Seniors who suffer from severe arthritis may have a hard time gripping their toothbrush and floss in order to clean their teeth. If you suffer from arthritis, and as a result you find it difficult to use your toothbrush, floss and other tooth cleaning implements, these tips will help you keep your teeth clean.
Use Special Tools to Help You Clean Your Teeth
Various tools are available on the market that can help arthritis patients grip their toothbrush, floss and other cleaning implements more easily. These include:
Use DIY Methods to Make Toothbrushes Easier to Hold
In addition to the commercial tools that help arthritis patients grip their cleaning implements, there are several DIY ways to make toothbrushes easier to use. Try these methods:
Remember that when using any of these DIY methods to fatten up the handle of your toothbrush, bacteria can get caught in the cracks of your homemade handle. Clean your toothbrush and the holder frequently to ensure that the toothbrush is sanitary enough to use.
Schedule More Frequent Cleanings with Your Dentist
Ask your dentist how often you should go in for check ups. The standard recommended length of time between dentist appointments is approximately once or twice per year. However, in the case of patients who face challenges maintaining their oral hygiene, dentists may recommend more frequent appointments to ensure that the teeth are staying clean. For more information about how to meet your dental needs, talk to a family dentist like Denise McGrade DDS.
During my first pregnancy, I spent a lot of time pushing pillows behind my back trying to find comfort. As the size of the baby grew, so did my discomfort. By the time she was born, I was more than ready to give birth. When I found out I was pregnant again, I was determined that I would not suffer through the same discomforts. I started researching ways to ease the symptoms of pregnancy, including back pain. I created this blog to help other expectant moms find remedies to deal with those symptoms that can be emotionally and physically draining.